Polyacetal Technologies
Polyacetal, particularly polyoxymethylene (POM), which is also called acetal or polyformaldehyde, is a specialty engineering resin. The polyacetals market is divided into homopolymer and copolymer markets. POM homopolymer, with higher crystallinity, has better mechanical properties such as stiffness, toughness, and strength compared to POM copolymer. POM copolymer has lower crystallinity, which gives it better processability. However, in most applications, copolymer and homopolymer are interchangeable. Polyacetal production is a specialized technology, and the business is dominated by a few producers. Critical success factors to compete in this industry include knowledge and experience of operating a POM plant, understanding of end-use application technology, understanding of industry structure, and knowledge of end-users.
Market Drivers in the Polyacetal Market
Major markets for POM include automotive, electrical, consumer, industrial, and others. Automotive and electrical are the largest applications. Polyacetals are losing some market share to other materials in some applications, but POM’s unique dimensional stability helps it maintain share. Applications include gears, bearings, rollers, fan parts, and nozzles. Exhibit below shows short-term outlook of global polyacetal plants operating rates.
Exhibit 1. Short-term outlook of global polyacetal plants operating rates in percentage
Polyacetal Market Assessment
ADI Chemical Market Resources (ADI CMR) has conducted a strategic analysis that covers all major developments in the industry including long-term demand, supply, and operating rate forecast; long- term price forecast; and netback analysis. Our in-depth examination and methodology are designed to assist companies in monitoring the rapid developments, analyzing the trends and capitalizing on the many opportunities in these changing markets and technologies. The report is based on thorough analysis of the industry through a wide range of methods, including published information, patent searches, ADI CMR proprietary projects, and interviews with leading suppliers, end-users, and distributors. Manufacturing cost economics and pricing structures are based on ADI CMR’s extensive cost databases and interviews. The geographic focus of the market assessment will be regions segmented into North America, Europe, Japan, Asia, Middle East, and Rest of World. The report will benefit present and future polyacetal market participants, compounders and end users, other engineering thermoplastic industry participants, and individual end-users, entrepreneurs, and organizations attempting to understand these complex issues and capture future growth in the marketplace.
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